Welcome to the Pro Loco of Calascibetta





Municipality of Calascibetta

Population: 4.092


Surface: 88.18 KMQ


Distance from the capital: 8,6 KM


Inhabitants name: Calascibettesi, Xibetans

How to get there

By Car:

from Catania: Take A19 towards SS 117bis. Exit at Enna and continue on SS 117bis. Take direction Calascibetta.


from Messina: Take A20 towards Catania. Continue as "from Catania".


from Palermo: Take E90 up to Scillato. Follow SS643, SS120, SS117bis with exit at Enna. Continue on SS 117bis and exit at Calascibetta.


By Train: Arrive at enna station and continue by other means.


By Bus: In case you find yourself in a city like Palermo or Catania take a bus to arrive in Enna , then take the SAIS Trasporti bus for Calascibetta.


By Plane: Arrive at the international airport "Falcone Borsellino" in Palermo or "Vincenzo Bellini" in Catania and continue by bus(as said in the voice bus), train, or taxi